The Benefits of Liposuction For Men In Thailand

For overweight men, it can be extremely difficult to lose weight. Although eating healthy and exercising daily is highly recommended, sometimes all the weight and fat doesn’t often respond. For those men who have tried to lose weight through the conventional methods but haven’t succeeded, then surgery may be their last resort.

Liposuction Thailand for men often focuses on different areas than in women. For men, the most common areas are the chest, abdomen, neck and flanks. The type of fat men have is different from what women have. Male fat is fibrous and is more difficult to remove. On the other hand, men have thicker skin which contours better. Wondering whether this procedure is right for you? Below are some benefits of liposuction for men.

Helps men with Gynecomastia
Some men have enlarged breasts which is a result of different factors. Apart from treating the cause of the problem, liposuction will help reduce the size of breasts. With normal breasts, you will no longer be self-conscious about taking your shirt off at the beach or while swimming.

Gets rid of fatty deposits on the arms and legs
Some men may have layers of fat on top their leg, arms and buttock muscles. Liposuction for men will help get rid of the fatty deposits around those areas. The result is well toned legs, buttocks and arms.

A more positive body image
Getting excess fat out of your body helps you feel much better about yourself. You are able to shop for clothes that fit perfectly and you are comfortable wearing just a pair of boxers. Since you are now happier with your appearance, you will think more positively about yourself in general.

A better body appearance
Sometimes, no matter how hard you exercise and eat healthy, you cannot seem to get that well-toned body you desire. One of the benefits of liposuction for men is that the surgery can help you get rid of excess fat. After healing, you will have a more toned and even body.

For men considering liposuction in Thailand, it’s important to keep in mind that these procedures are relatively new. Therefore, thai travel link recommends to only get the procedure performed by a board certified plastic surgeon.

If you are looking for the Liposuction service in Bangkok, Thailand please visit Nida Esth Medical Center is committed to providing all patients high quality, safety and compassionate care. As the risk of individuals with COVID-19 continues to rise in our community, we have established the policies for foreigners who are living in Thailand and would like to undergo both surgical and non-surgical with us.